Sunday, May 26, 2013

The Office Puppy

As part of my program at George Brown College, I recently finished an internship at a members-only home décor and furniture website. I worked closely with the buying and merchandising team to co-ordinate and set up the daily sales events held on the company website. During my time there I met an amazing group of people, who happened to be animal lovers just like myself.

Steph was my go-to person at the office, in fact she was everyone’s go-to person because she is a wiz with numbers and the nicest person I have met. We happen to stumble across the conversation of dogs one day and she shared with me that her mom volunteers with a local rescue and adoption organization called ARF Ontario. (Stay tuned for the ARF Ontario posts, I am extremely excited to have the opportunity to hear about the organization from the volunteers themselves.)

 Before I knew it 'puppy talk' became a daily topic of conversation, Sarah (an extremely talented writer and the wittiest person I know) quickly joined, followed by George (a fellow George Brown intern and friend) who was also a fan of dogs.

Often during our breaks, we would scour  the web to find dogs up for adoption and gush over how adorable and cute they were. Our go to websites became Pet Finder, ARF Ontario, THS, and Ugly Mutts. The inception of the 'office puppy' soon followed.
We began fantasizing about having a dog in the office, especially on those stressful days when things weren’t exactly going as planned. This hypothetical 'office puppy' made such a difference to our team's mood and morale, that I can see why pets are used for therapy. We weren't seriously considering getting a dog for the office, but it certainly made us chuckle at the idea.
Fido at the Office
Interesting enough there are many companies that allow employees to bring their pets to work. According to a 2011 article published in The Sydney Morning Harold, “In the US its been an established practice for years, with an estimated 17 per cent of business permitting animals and a national Take Your Dog to Work Day®

Take Your Dog to Work Day® is happening Friday June 21st2013 and it’s an event to promote and encourage adoption. It goes without saying that not every company or industry is suitable to have such practices - however it's a fantastic way to promote adoption to those considering a pet.

Looking back Sarah, Steph, George and I had our own version of this event in our office through our 'puppy talks' and 'office puppy' chats. Towards the end of my internship, I was even having 'kitty chats' with Michelle (Our online production artist extraordinaire) and Cindy (Logistics/customer service/office manager mastermind). Our love for animals was definitely one of the reasons why we bonded, and why we worked so well as a team.

I want to thank Steph and Sarah for taking me under their wings in the time I was there, I learned a great deal about the business and enhanced my skills thanks to them.
Steph, Sarah, George, Michelle and Cindy thank you for such an amazing experience - you guys fueled my passion to help our furry friends and Furever Pals is my way of continuing the conversation we began on animal rescue and adoption and sharing it with the rest of the world!
Check out this 'office puppy'  


  1. que lindo!!!! te felicito por lo estas haciendo, estos peluditos se merecen lo mejor pues nos dan su cariño sin pedir nada a cambio :) quisiera q mi casa fuera grandisima y poder tener muchos perritos q lo necesiten :( ahorita me quedo solo con los dos q tengo pero en el futuro espero poder cambiar el futuro de los muchos q no tienen un hogar :)

  2. Haha, it actually brought the old days back to my mind. Thanks Ana! When I get a dog, I will definitely bring him to show you, Steph and Sarah.

  3. awww y al otro perro no le dieron nada :( y el fue el q abrio la puerta........ pero q bueno q pensas de esta forma al igual q nosotros... comparto la idea d mi hermana de poder colaborar con animales q realmente lo necesitan, pero lastimosamente no disponemos de los medios para hacerlo realidad.... sin embargo ahi stamos siempre colaborando con un refugio q se llama "milagros de amor" y cada vez q ellos hacen colectas de comida (donaciones) o hacen ventas de productos para recaudar para el refugio, tratamos de estar ahi :D.... tmbn mi novia es amante de los "furry friends" como decis tu asi q ella se nos ha unido tambien hehehehe..... espero esto siga creciendo y muchos mas sigan compartiendo sus experiencias :)
