Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Speaking of Office Puppies...

Hello Animal Lovers!

Remember my hypothetical 'Office Puppy' from my last post?! Turns out my very talented photographer friend and fellow George Brown intern, Ryan Chan, had TWO office puppies at his internship! Say what?!

Ryan mentions in his blog that they had "frequent furry guests" at Trevor//Peter Communications. Meet Molly and McAllister, they appear to be Yorkshire best buds!
TPS Team Hard at Work

Ryan also mentions hat he had an amazing experience at his internship , I can certainly attest to his passion and enthusiasm for the work he was doing at Trevor//Peter Communications - Ryan will absolutely be a valuable member of the TPC team. I hope you returned as a hired employee once we graduate Ryan!

Don't forget Take Your Dog to Work Day is happening June 21st - let's promote and encourage adopting from local shelters and humane societies!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

The Office Puppy

As part of my program at George Brown College, I recently finished an internship at a members-only home décor and furniture website. I worked closely with the buying and merchandising team to co-ordinate and set up the daily sales events held on the company website. During my time there I met an amazing group of people, who happened to be animal lovers just like myself.

Steph was my go-to person at the office, in fact she was everyone’s go-to person because she is a wiz with numbers and the nicest person I have met. We happen to stumble across the conversation of dogs one day and she shared with me that her mom volunteers with a local rescue and adoption organization called ARF Ontario. (Stay tuned for the ARF Ontario posts, I am extremely excited to have the opportunity to hear about the organization from the volunteers themselves.)

 Before I knew it 'puppy talk' became a daily topic of conversation, Sarah (an extremely talented writer and the wittiest person I know) quickly joined, followed by George (a fellow George Brown intern and friend) who was also a fan of dogs.

Often during our breaks, we would scour  the web to find dogs up for adoption and gush over how adorable and cute they were. Our go to websites became Pet Finder, ARF Ontario, THS, and Ugly Mutts. The inception of the 'office puppy' soon followed.
We began fantasizing about having a dog in the office, especially on those stressful days when things weren’t exactly going as planned. This hypothetical 'office puppy' made such a difference to our team's mood and morale, that I can see why pets are used for therapy. We weren't seriously considering getting a dog for the office, but it certainly made us chuckle at the idea.
Fido at the Office
Interesting enough there are many companies that allow employees to bring their pets to work. According to a 2011 article published in The Sydney Morning Harold, “In the US its been an established practice for years, with an estimated 17 per cent of business permitting animals and a national Take Your Dog to Work Day®

Take Your Dog to Work Day® is happening Friday June 21st2013 and it’s an event to promote and encourage adoption. It goes without saying that not every company or industry is suitable to have such practices - however it's a fantastic way to promote adoption to those considering a pet.

Looking back Sarah, Steph, George and I had our own version of this event in our office through our 'puppy talks' and 'office puppy' chats. Towards the end of my internship, I was even having 'kitty chats' with Michelle (Our online production artist extraordinaire) and Cindy (Logistics/customer service/office manager mastermind). Our love for animals was definitely one of the reasons why we bonded, and why we worked so well as a team.

I want to thank Steph and Sarah for taking me under their wings in the time I was there, I learned a great deal about the business and enhanced my skills thanks to them.
Steph, Sarah, George, Michelle and Cindy thank you for such an amazing experience - you guys fueled my passion to help our furry friends and Furever Pals is my way of continuing the conversation we began on animal rescue and adoption and sharing it with the rest of the world!
Check out this 'office puppy'  

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Furever Pals' Goals

Hello my fellow animal lovers, I hope that all is well!

As I mentioned in my last post, my intentions are to bring awareness to animal rescue and adoption. I have a lot of ideas up my sleeve on the stories that I want to share with you guys, so stay tuned as they are a work in progress! However, before I start posting any further, l thought I should share my goals with you since I will need your help and support in achieving them.

My goal is to become an ambassador of animal rescue and adoption. More specifically, I want to:

·         Bring awareness to the fact that rescue animals make a great addition to families looking for pets.

·         Shine a light on the organizations involved in animal rescue and adoption, and help them find forever homes for animals in their care.

·         Inform potential adopting families of the adoption process and what to expect when adopting.

I want to clarify that I have learned a lot about this cause in doing some research of my own. However I have much to learn from the people and organizations involved in this cause.  Furever Pals will be the way that I share my new found knowledge with all of you and here is where I need your help.

I ask that you share my blog link with others in your social network, so that I can share this information with as many people as possible.

As a budding business analyst, thanks to Tom the Prof and a handful of other professors at George Brown, I will be using an incredible tool called Google Analytics . This is an amazing analytical tool that I have linked to my blog, and it will allow me measure metrics like number of visits, pages viewed per visit and average time on Furever Pals. What’s also amazing is that I can sort the data by dimensions - for example the source that referred the visit to my blog (e.g. facebook.com or Twitter.com ) or even the city or region from which people are viewing my blog from (I actually got some visitors from Indonesia and Russia checking out Furever Pals!)

What’s great about GA is that these metrics and dimensions are presented on graphs and tables, which assist me in monitoring and improving Furever Pals based on your visits, referrals and interaction with the blog.

So far the numbers are not the greatest, granted Furever Pals is a new comer to the virtual world and I have yet provide you with interesting tails. But with your help animal lovers, I can achieve positive results and bring more attention to rescue and adoption and help animals find forever homes.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Miracle In Oklahoma

I came across this today and I absolutely wanted to share it.
My heart goes out to all those affected by this tragedy in Oklahoma, human and furry pals alike.

Monday, May 20, 2013

My Tail

Welcome my fellow animal lovers, my name is Ana and I will be your blogger on Furever Pals!

My tail begins on a fateful night on September 1998 when my furball Choby came into my life. I had begged and pleaded with my parents for years to get a dog, that night my persistence finally paid off. Choby came home that night in the pocket of my jacket - yes ladies and gentlemen he was that tiny!

We've seen him go from a little pup discovering the world around him, to a prissy and yappy young yorkie-pooh. He loved playing with keys - yes keys! I always thought he was a bit of an oddball for that.

Choby is now 15 years old, he is a shadow of his former self. He is blind, deaf and would much rather sleep all day than be part of  commotion around him. I miss those days when he would come charging to the door to greet me. It's tough but I've come to accept that this is the circle of life.

Choby smiling for the camera

My mom asked me about a year ago if I would get another dog after Choby goes to doggy heaven. At the time, I said, "No. The thought of Choby not being here breaks my heart. He's been part of me and this family for so many years, that bringing another dog into this house just doesn't seem right."

I'm certain that dog-lovers everywhere have read a Dog's Last will before, but I'd like to share it as it explains my viewpoint today.

Thankfully, Choby is still with us, and although he is a special needs dog at his old age, he is in a loving home that tends to his needs. There are other dogs like Choby out there, however the difference is that many of them do not have loving homes.

Furever Pals is dedicated to Choby, it is my way of honoring all the love and joy he has brought and continues to bring into our lives.

My intentions for this blog is to bring awareness to animal rescue and adoption. I have much to learn from the organizations involved and the dedicated volunteers who do this for the love of animals. I invite you visit my blog as I discover more about this cause and I welcome others to share their stories with me.